Get answers to the most-asked questions about managing your SharpLaunch account.

How well do the property sites work on different devices and browsers?
SharpLaunch property websites are all built to be 100% responsive which means they will automatically adjust to different-sized screens and function perfectly across all major web browsers.
Does the SharpLaunch PSE work with any website?
Yes, the SharpLaunch PSE (property search engine) is platform agnostic and can be seamlessly installed on any website. Whether it’s built on WordPress, SquareSpace, Wix or any other website platform.
Can multiple property types be syndicated to syndication partners?
At the moment, only one property type is sent to all our integration partners. In case we receive any requests either from partners to send multiple types, we can revisit the logic and include multiple property types in the response. If one of our customers requests to send multiple property types to our partners, we first need to contact our partners and open a discussion about this change. In case they can modify their code/product to accept more than one property type, we can revisit the logic to include more than one in our response
What happens when I change the order of property types in the CMS?
Currently, if more than one property type is selected, the first type will be considered as the primary and is the one sent to the syndication partner. If you want to change the order and send a different property type, then you need to first deselect all the property types, then select the primary property type first followed by whatever other property types you consider secondary. The response will change according to the order of selection.